2024.04.24 星期三 19:00
演讲者:菲扎·卡英古·拉马扎尼 & 波迪希·通巴·马孔加

展览开幕、艺博会、双年展......我们能否把目光转向具有行动性的实践?能否将视野扩展至西欧、北美之外?在过去的十多年里,位于刚果(金)卢本巴希的瓦扎艺术中心(Centre d’art Waza)如何建立起他们的艺术组织?他们如何看待艺术史?被欧美“发掘”的艺术家与他们的艺术生态有何关系?刚果(金)社会以及当地知识分子如何与这些艺术实践互动?他们如何获得项目资金?他们如何认知“艺术”、以及“艺术”与本土社会的关系?他们又面临着怎样的问题与机遇?
MACA美凯龙艺术中心邀请来自瓦扎艺术中心的菲扎·卡英古·拉马扎尼与波迪希·通巴·马孔加来到北京,与我们分享他们的行动、思考与感受。与此同时,他们的工作也在回应一个迫在眉睫的全球性问题:我们如何共同生活?我们还将在活动中放映瓦扎艺术中心于第十五届卡塞尔文献展呈现的纪录短片《Lwanzo Lwa Mikuba的故事》。
Kayungu Ramazani Brigitte, better known as Feza, is an artist and researcher based in Lubumbashi. She is a member of the Power to the Commons project and Another Roadmap of Arts Education Africa Cluster (ARAC), which is a network of researchers and practitioners engaged in collaborative research revisiting the history, politics, and alternative practices in arts education through literature. She is also curatorial assistant at École du soir, administrator of Centre d’art Waza, and a critical writer questioning images of African beauty and exoticism. Her research on African values, creativity, ancestral practices and technology, aligns with a desire to reinvent the conception and conservative function of museums in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Kayungu received a Bachelor of Arts and Humanities in English literature and civilization at the University of Lubumbashi.

Prodige Kevin Tumba Makonga is an artist living in Lubumbashi, where he works as Head of the Communication department at Centre d’art Waza, and is a member of École du Soir. He has hosted artistic workshops at Centre d’Éveil de la Femme orphanage. Makonga majored in Illustration and Video-Postproduction at the University of Johannesburg, and his work is informed by the visual cultures of the street, zines, and music. He has exhibited at Design Indaba Expo: Emerging Creative in 2014, and at the FNB Joburg Art Fair in 2016 and 2017. More recently, Makonga devised the spatial design for lumbung member Centre d’art Waza’s presentation at documenta fifteen in Kassel in 2022. Makonga has also exhibited at the 17th Istanbul Biennial in 2022, and at the 1st Islamic Arts Biennale in Jeddah in 2023.