Urgency Addiction—The Human Condition in Fast Forward

2024.07.07 Sunday 18:30


Enbankment Building, 370 North Suzhou Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai

Artist: Xu Lishuang

Urgency Addiction is an experimental performance lecture. I will adhere to neuro-scientific guideline and suggestions circulated on the internet, allowing my body to become automated through repeated movements, enabling it to process three tasks simultaneously.

I will share stories within the ruin, telling while walking, walking while eating and working, working while exercising and filming, filming while speaking and coordinating the audiences.

The stories and movements are all tethered to “urgency” and its implicit driving force. In this performance-narration, “urgency” becomes more than a bodily expression, as it also alters the relationship between myself, the performer, and the audience. There is no narrative plot that needs to move forward in Urgency Addiction, only an exploration of how productivity disrupts the body, others, and the surrounding space.


About the Speaker: Xu Lishuang

Xu Lishuang is a Chinese artist based in Shanghai and Changsha, with a degree from Chelsea College of Art, University of the Arts London.

Her artistic practice has been shaped by her experiences living in London, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Changsha, cities that have each left a unique imprint on her work during different phases. Xu Lishuang’s constant relocation has indirectly led her to explore themes of temporary space, bodily existence and alienation, and the dynamic relationship between humans and their environment. Her practice, which encompasses performance, video, and installation, is centered on embodied experience. She uses her body to intervene in and deconstruct spaces, challenging the original functions of objects within them. By provoking viewers to question their preconceived notions, she reveals the intricate entanglement between subjective perception and objective reality.

About the Vortex

VORTEX, launched by the MACA in Shanghai in 2022, is an art and cultural salon in the form of lecture performances occurring once or twice every month. The programme calls for non-institutionalised artistic and academic production in which contemporary art practitioners and scholars get to explore cross-disciplinarily the issues of the macro or micro, the global or local, the collective or individual. VORTEX, hence, is where you spin in the whirlpool of spontaneous whims and intuitive approaches represented by individual research and enquiries. Being present here at VORTEX, you are experiencing versatile forms of lecture performances that experiment with new mechanisms and methodologies.

MACA Art Center is a non-profit art institution located in the 798 Art District of Beijing and officially inaugurated its space on January 15, 2022. Occupying a two-story building with a total area of 900 square meters, MACA unites artists, curators, and other art and cultural practitioners from around the world. Through its diverse, ongoing, and collaborative approaches, the Center establishes a new site on the contemporary art scene. Guided by the “work of artists” and backed by interdisciplinary research, the Center aims to bring together a community passionate about art and devoted to the “contemporary” moment so as to respond proactively to our rapidly evolving times.