Jiang Yuhui:The Evil of Anarche in the Age of Technical Images

2022.10.15 Saturday 14:00


2F, The Cloister Apartments, 62 West Fuxing Road, Shanghai

Guest Speaker: Jiang Yuhui



There are many similarities between the thinker Giorgio Agamben and the media theorist Vilém Flusser. Not only do they both critically reflect on the problem of evil in the present age, but they also respond to it with the highly revealing concepts of anarchē and groundlessness, respectively. But this further reveals the fundamental differences between the two.

Agamben’s concept of anarchē brings about a shift from negation to affirmation, from the model of archaeological topology to positive action, while his summative concept of “form-of-life” is a highly Deleuzian term. On the contrary, Flusser's central concept of groundlessness, based on a Camusian sense of the absurd refers to the rootless, unjustified, and meaningless abyss of the world, thus providing a philosophical explanation of extreme evil. Moreover, it allows for a corresponding remedy to the coflict between freedom and control in the age of technical images. Both concepts converge when the topic of gesture comes into discussion. For Flusser, gesture is the micro-decision of the quantum leap, while for Agamben, gesture ultimately reveals the way to salvation in the messianic moment.

About the Guest Speakers

Jiang Yuhui, DEA of Ecole Normale de Paris, Ph. D of Fudan University, Professor of the Department of Philosophy of East China Normal University, Shanghai Shuguang Scholar. He is now the director of the western philosophy section. His main research area covers contemporary French philosophy, film philosophy and media study. He’s published a few books, such as Study on Deleuze’s Body Aesthetics, and Truth and Painting: Merleau-Ponty and Chinese Landscape Paintings. He’s also translated Deleuze’s two books into Chinese, that is, Mille Plateaux and Proust et les signes.

MACA Art Center is a non-profit art institution located in the 798 Art District of Beijing and officially inaugurated its space on January 15, 2022. Occupying a two-story building with a total area of 900 square meters, MACA unites artists, curators, and other art and cultural practitioners from around the world. Through its diverse, ongoing, and collaborative approaches, the Center establishes a new site on the contemporary art scene. Guided by the “work of artists” and backed by interdisciplinary research, the Center aims to bring together a community passionate about art and devoted to the “contemporary” moment so as to respond proactively to our rapidly evolving times.